Eastern Bluebirds – Spare the rod and spoil the child?
A run in with a rat snake prompts a question about conservation and ethics while setting up nest-boxes for Eastern Bluebirds
Nature’s Layers Unravelled – Encounters with birds, beasts, and relatives
A run in with a rat snake prompts a question about conservation and ethics while setting up nest-boxes for Eastern Bluebirds
It was a cold, windy night on the coast of North Carolina. But there was a celestial event that brought one determined photographer out to gaze skyward – the blood moon!
The order of events of a sunrise meter out like a well-written piece of poetry. The sunset is just a sunrise turned upside down on its head, a perfect mirror image.
Come spring, the first thing you would notice in every pocket of woods in Raleigh, NC are dazzling white flowers. Meet the Flowering Dogwood, the state flower of North Carolina
The ebb of winter is a fine time for birders. At Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, a nature photographer has a field day. Here’s a page from his diary
Winter storm Helena was supposed to hit us harder. Six inches of snow, failed power, and freezing pipes. The storm came and went, and the dull morning made way for a bright and sunny afternoon. Then the birds began to come out
Trees are an inconvenience. Leaves falling, light being blocked, snakes showing up, tree roots destabilizing the walls, the need to widen the approach road – we have so many excuses to cut down our trees, and none for planting one.
To shoot a mockingbird was the ultimate quest. After a year of waiting, it finally happened. Meet the many-tongued mimic – the Northern Mockingbird
Cary Glen in North Carolina has little cosmic significance. It is a little lake in a little town. But nature thrives here, and it provides a much-needed escape from life’s machinations
Why go on an expensive safari to watch birds when your backyard is just as well endowed as any forest?
When a sunset that seemed improbable only a moment ago bloodies the sky, it becomes the fulcrum balancing idle desolation and mad euphoria. A photographic meditation
One thing is clear after watching this Carolina Anole wrestle a stick-fast caterpillar off its leafy perch – this picky eater really loves its greens
Epiphany on wandering into a gentlemen’s club of sexually exhausted Northern Elephant Seals on a beach in Point Reyes
Celebrate June rains with this Green Ogre calendar wallpaper for desktops, ipads and laptops. Download it for free
Meeting Anna’s Hummingbird, with its startling metallic pink head and dazzling green plumage, is nothing short of birding epiphany