Reclaiming the Nature Fix – In Pursuit of Biophilia
The human craving for a “Nature Fix” is an ancient instinct blunted by generations of abuse. Biophilia is the word for it… Continue reading Reclaiming the Nature Fix – In Pursuit of Biophilia
The human craving for a “Nature Fix” is an ancient instinct blunted by generations of abuse. Biophilia is the word for it… Continue reading Reclaiming the Nature Fix – In Pursuit of Biophilia
Recounting a quest for the Milky Way along the Appalachian Trail in August Continue reading Stargazing on the Appalachian Trail
Neowise has been lighting up the skies for the past few days. Sandeep Somasekharan rides to the countryside for a glimpse of the celebrity comet Continue reading Comet watching : Neowise aka C/2020 F3
A photographic quest for the Milky Way under truly dark skies on Sunday, April 26, which marks the end of the Dark Sky Week organized by the International Dark Skies Association Continue reading Embracing darkness – celebrating the night sky