Download the August calendar-wallpaper

Scaly-breasted Munia

August! Dark clouds still roll against the sky, now and then leaving way for patches of brilliant blue. Go out into the countryside and you will see little finches huddling on long stems of grass, cheeping to each other feebly. Often, they will flit about bearing long, streaming ribbons of grass leaves and disappear into undisclosed hiding places inside hedges or close-canopied trees. The common name for these birds — munia — is almost as pretty as the bird itself.

This one here, among the daintiest of the family, is a Scaly-Breasted Munia (Lonchura punctulata), photographed by Sandeep Somasekharan. And it is yours to download and keep as a desktop wallpaper (for desktops, laptops and iPads) . But only if you are a member of the Green Ogre community. It’s not hard to become one. Just sign up using the link on the right sidebar or go to this link — subscription is free of cost, and free of spam.




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Scaly-breasted Munia for iPad
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