Ogre in flight

Marlon Brando once said, “The only reason I’m here in Hollywood is because I don’t have the moral courage to refuse the money.”

For the last three years and seven months, I have done pretty much the same thing. Followed the money. The tax-deducted money. The security of salary and the voluntary enslavement of EMI. But now, I have chosen to part ways – not with the money, but with this way of earning it. If I had nine hours a day to write, I’d rather write. And draw. And travel. And enjoy my fatherhood.

So, breathe me a headwind while I plunge.



  • Beej

    Founder-editor of The Green Ogre, Beej began this blog as a solo writing project in 2006. A communications professional, he has worked as a corporate storyteller, journalist, travel writer, cartoonist and photo-blogger. He was formerly the founder-editor of Yahoo India's travel site.

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