Wordless Wednesday: The Last Musk Deer

In 2002, while in Chopta (part of Kedarnath Musk Deer Sanctuary), we had tried to visit the Musk Deer Breeding Centre but were denied access. They behaved as if it were a nuclear installation, a friend who was with me then had observed.

Later in August 2006 I was in Chopta with Gopi Sundar and Swati. We happened to visit the breeding centre and it turned out that all the deer (>12) had died out due to a disease outbreak, except one lone survivor (in the picture).

Photos: Sahastrarashmi / K S Gopi Sundar

Sahastra Rashmi
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  • Sahastra Rashmi

    Traveller, photographer, philosopher, art connoisseur, trekking guru, and master trip planner, Sahastrarashmi (SR or Sahastra to his friends) is on a relentless quest for the story of life. An engineer from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, he works in Chennai, India and lives (on weekends) in the former French enclave of Pondicherry (Puducherry to the officious). He is on a mission to introduce the uninitiated to the glory of the Himalaya.

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